Winter Blues

“Why is it snowing again?”

Sometimes it is hard to find the positives in life.  Or in anything.  Especially in the heart of winter.  The constant snowfall, that doesn’t amount to much.  It’s always snowing.  Always flurrying.  But yet it doesn’t seem to accumulate anything.  The bitter wind.  The constant cold.  The lack of sunlight.  It can really bring you down.

On the coldest, darkest days of winter, it can be hard to find the positives.  It’s easy to look at all the negatives.  The kids become frustrated.  Temperatures too cold for outdoor recess.  No way to get their energy out.  The house becomes a race track before bed time.  Cars being raced in a circle.  Loud cars.  Deafening noise.  Wrestling fights and screams. Fighting.  No one gets along.  Winter can seem like it lasts forever.

These are some of the negatives I notice in the bitter days of winter.  And when I notice the cooped up moods of my children, I start to notice all the negatives on the internet. All the negatives in the world. 

The community member who creates a hate post about trans athletes.  The post about how it’s sick for a transwoman to use the women’s restroom.  The post about how it’s against god’s will for a person to be trans.  The post about how parents are forcing their child to be different.  Forcing that dress on their son.  Forcing their son to be a girl.  That these parents are sick and need help.  The post about you can be who you want to be, even if it’s wrong, so don’t worry I’ll pray for you.  

So much hate.  So much anger.  So much hate about people like my middle child.  It can all be too much at times.  Especially when it’s adults in the community we have chosen to raise our children in that say things like that.  It can be hard to see the good in the world.

But there is good in the world.  Even on the darkest most dreary day of winter, there is a bit of sunshine.  And boy does that sunshine feel good.  The ice begins to melt.  The frigid temperatures become bearable once again.  The children beg to don their snow gear and play outside.  They get their energy out.  They sleep better at night.

A simple message about a parent whose child was concerned because they wanted to use the right pronouns.  They want to be an ally.  A message about how there are community members who are proud of how we are raising our children.  How we are doing the right thing.  How they want to make sure our child always has an ally.  Has the same rights as all other students.  That they can thrive in the community.  

The storm always ends.  It may not feel like it in the moment, but it does end.  It can be easy to fall victim to all the negatives.   It can be hard to remember the positives.  But they are there.  And they are what keep you going when the world can be such a hurtful, hateful place.

A smile.  Laughter.  Squeals of joy.  Winter may not be so bad after all.  

Warmer days are coming.  Spring is on its way.  Until then, the simple phrase, we are your ally, we are there for you, is all we need. 

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  1. Liselill

    Thank you for a very encouraging message! There are, and have always been, so many destructive forces in the society. There is egoism, racism, ignorance and selfishness. From time to time it looks like these people are the only ones on the internet. They may be loud, but do not represent the majority of people that are mostly understanding and loving. I am so happy that you have found your way and keep on with your good parenting. I feel very confident that you are doing the right thing for your children. You surpass most parents in understanding and awareness. And we all have a lot to learn from you.

    • Mom of 3

      Thank you so much for your kind words! Not every day is easy but we are trying our best. I appreciate your support!

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