Hello Again!

It’s been a long time since I have written anything.  I don’t have a great excuse, other than this year just got away from me.  Between three kids, sports, after-school…

New Year

Happy 2022!  2021 was an incredibly long year, but it also was an incredibly fast year.  I can’t believe we are into a new year already.  Hayden taught our whole…

I Am Me

“I am me!” Hayden has been telling us,” I am me,” for quite a long time.  We had to unlearn old stereotypes.  We have become more mindful.  We have become…


“Life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you’re gonna get.”  Forrest Gump This quote has never seemed so much like my life until recently.  Life is…


“Ignorance is bliss.” Ignorance is defined as a lack of knowledge and information.  Bliss is defined as perfect happiness or great joy.  So essentially the saying “Ignorance is bliss” means…


Clothes “Oh!  Look at that sparkly dress!  I want that!” Why is it still such a hard concept for people to grasp that clothes are for everyone?  Who cares if…


“Skiing is over, I can finally put on a skirt.” Anxiety.  It’s something we all feel on a daily basis.  The world is a scary place right now.  There’s a…