A Year

“When the sickness is over….”

It’s been a year.  A year of social distancing.  A year of mask wearing.  A year of hoping that cough is just allergies.  A year of hearing from my kids, “when the sickness is over can we…?”  Everything seems to be determined by “when the sickness is over.”  It has definitely been quite the year.

So much has changed in a year.  So much has stayed the same.  We are all a year older.  Hopefully a year wiser. 

The kids have all grown taller.  Some have lost teeth.  Shoes have been outgrown.  Clothes have gotten too small.  Bedrooms have been changed around.  Their favorite shows are different.  Their favorite books and movies vary on a weekly basis.  

Our relationships have grown.  We have found out who is meant to be in our lives.  Who is meant to be around our kids.  Our kids have grown in relationships.  They have become close with kids their own age.  They have grown closer as siblings.  They also have had to let go of some friendships.  The letting go part can be hard.  But it can do wonders for our mindset.  Wonders for our heart.  

As I think back to this time last year, a lot in our home is not familiar.  Parts of the house have been redecorated.  The chicken coop has changed location.  The garage has been rearranged.  But our lives have changed as well.

Play dates haven’t been as often or with a variety of friends.  Vacations have been canceled.  Visits with grandparents haven’t been as frequent.

But we have grown as a family.  We have had a new understanding of who everyone is.  We have seen personalities take shape and grow.  We have seen confidence soar.  We have also seen new attitudes, fights and tantrums.  But I’m trying to focus on the positives.

This time last year, Hayden’s closet would not have been as colorful as it is now.  It would not have held a large selection of dresses to choose from.  Hayden’s dresser drawers would not have been filled with skirts and nightgowns.  A pink lamp would not be sitting on top of the dresser.

Covid has changed all of our lives.  Some for the worse.  Some for the better.  It has affected us all in some way.  Whether it be by remote school, having been sick, missing out on vacations, the change in the required attire for leaving the house or losing someone close to you.  It has been devastating for some and a gift for others.  Some have thrived this year.

 When the world shut down last March, no one imagined it would still be something we had in our lives a year later.  There were times I was miserable.  But there were also times that were amazing.

If it hadn’t been for quarantine, Hayden may not have found his voice.  Or it could have been years before he found it.  If it hadn’t been for quarantine, his confidence wouldn’t have soared the way it is now.  If it hadn’t been for quarantine, Hayden may have been wearing “boy” clothes to school, still stripping them off as soon as he walked in the door.  If we hadn’t been forced to slow down, to spend more time with each other, we may have missed some things.

As stressful as this year has been, I am grateful for all it has shown me.  It has shown me who my true friends are.  It has shown me how to advocate in the right way for Hayden.  It has shown me how to slow down.  It has shown me how to truly listen to my children. 

Now, I am definitely looking forward to restrictions being lifted.  I am looking forward to spending quality time with people we haven’t seen in over a year.  I am looking forward to being able to take a family vacation again. 

So when the sickness is over, I’m definitely going to be happy.  But I am never going to forget all that it has allowed me to see.  I’m never going to forget how my children grew and came into their own during our year together.  And I’m hoping that courage and confidence will guide them through the rest of their lives.